
I Should be Sleeping...

It´s so late and I feel really lame because I´m staying up for the sake of watching a lunar eclipse. haha I hope it´s worth it... But it probably won´t afect me because lately I´ve been turning into a nocturnal person, I sleep trough the day and stay up most of the night.
 Btw, this is what my screen looks like right now, if you remember I wrote a while ago that I read the korean webtoon "Pink Lady" so I alredy found the translated chapters in a cafe in Naver. I´m so happy because I found it. And you can see the christmass theme that I have on my firefox, it´s animated : D.

P.S: The lunar eclipse alredy started but it´s kind of boring after a while because the take so long... The good thing is that I was able to watch a clear sky with no smoke or clouds so I was able to find a few constelations and stars, so exciting! It means that the winter solstice it´s alredy here!! haha

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