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WanderloveWanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book is one I've been looking forward to reading for a long time. I didn´t know what to really expect but I was still really interested and most of all curious. The reason why I was curious is the fact that great part of the story takes place in Guatemala (where I live) and that I've gone to the rest of the places it mentions. I wanted to know the way tourists perceived our country (especially backpackers) including good and bad things. What I got was a really honest description of my country told by someone that goes to the less traveled and tourist friendly locations. Of course it mentions the many discomforts of traveling with a low budget (but you always encounter many discomforts if you travel with a low budget anywhere) but it also describes the beauty of the landscapes, the culture and liberation you get while traveling this way.

Another reason why I enjoyed this book is that some months ago I went to the same places Bria went to and I totally understand the magic of being in this places. Of course, I didn't stay in hostels or traveled in cramped buses but I still got the feeling of getting away of reality like Bria does. And it always is a beautiful feeling when you stand in the exact same place the character of the book stood in and experience the same feelings the character does.

In respect to the relationship between Bria and Rowan, it reflects a real relationship with its ups and downs but somehow it is really unexpected when they end up togheter because during great part of the book they treated each other like siblings and unexpectedly... boom! they get togheter and suddenly they are most magical couple! So I felt that the romance part of the story was squeezed in into the story and somehow felt out of place. And another thing that I didn't like was that Bria was too naive and ignorant in many ways. And I totally hated how she always needed someone to depend on.

But overall it was an okay book!

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The Day BeforeThe Day Before by Lisa Schroeder

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wow!!!! I had never read a book written like this. And I must say that I was pleasantly surprised. Due to the way it was written it turned out to be a really quick reading. This book is about a girl that goes off alone to the beach to think about mysterious problems that the reader doesn´t know about until later. There she meets a boy that completely changes her view of life.

This book is unexpectedly deep and real. And makes you reflect about a lot of different things. Is really refreshing after reading a lot of modern romance novels.

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A Thousand Times Stronger

 I have some great movies to share!!!

The original name of this movies is Tusen Gånger Starkare.

This is one of the best foreign films I've watched in a lot of time!

Besides Monsieur Lazhar, this one is about an algerian teacher in a canadian school that has to take care of a classroom where the last homeroom teacher killed herself.

And "i taket lyser stjärnorna" that's called Glowing Stars in english. This movie is about a swedish girl that reacts in different ways when her mother is dying because of cancer.

Dear God - The Roots (Zeds Dead Remix)

Some review I wrote in goodreads while I was procrastinating....

Breathe (Sea Breeze, #1)Breathe by Abbi Glines

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I read this book expecting something similar to the other books of Abbi Glines. What I got was her usual scenes filled with sexual tension that seem to have gotten better with her more recent books. While Sadie's character was kind of innocent and sweet, she was still really likable and you can´t help but want that she ends up with Jax.

Of course, the development of the book was really predictable but nevertheless I enjoyed every scene and it kept me really entretained. It was a fast read and while it wasn´t that great like her other books it was what I was looking for when I wanted something similar to the Vincent Brothers after finishing reading the book.

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I've been reading a lot of books like this and listening to dubstep music.

Like this one!



I saw this norwegian film some days ago. I expected it to be some kind of thriller with a lot of mystery, and I kind of got that... but it also turned out to be a really bloody movie. And I mean, I can handle bloody but this one got me by surprise. But it still is interesting so you should check it out!

Apart from that, it's been some months since I've been having problems with my vision and I got headaches when I tried to see something far away. So yesterday I had a vision exam and it turned out that I needed glasses. But it turned out that I had to wait a lot of days to get some normal glasses so instead I ended up getting contact lenses because they gave them in that instant. They optometrist taught me how to use them and since yesterday I've kind of gotten used to poking my eyes with my fingers! haha... I hope I get used to them soon... : )