
Ready Player One

Right now I'm reading this book by Ernest Cline and I must say that I was craving for a highly addicitive book for a while. In short, THIS BOOK IS REALLY GOOD. And is not your normal futuristic novel, No!, it's a very actual book and every teenager today can relate in some way. Another cool thing is that the main character is a book, something that is very unusual.

The book is a about a boy in a very possible future where every practically lives in an online videogame, he almost never goes outside and has no social skills whatsover. But one day the maker of this game dies and leaves his whole fortune to whoever finds three keys that will open an secret easter egg that he left encoded in the game. But to do that he has to have a lot of knowledge of the culture in the 80's.

There are a lot of geeky references relating to videogames, music, comics, tv shows and computers, and I understand most of them thanks to having a lot of geeky friends and that is what makes the book even better for me!

Now getting back in my life, I haven't been updating a lot probably because I'm enjoying my life too much right now. But I have taken time to visit friends and seeing my family by going to the country club. I'll do a music update later but I'll probably divide it up because it's a LOT!!!

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