
Islands - The XX

Yesterday I was listening to a big playlist with the best indie songs sice 2000 and I randomely heard this song from The xx, and I think I had heard it before but I'm not sure, but what's amazing is that some hours after I finished hearing the playlist, I didn't even remember the song or who sang it, I just had the song stuck in my head. I was surprised because it's been a while since I've had a song stuck like that so I just wrote the lyrics that I knew in google and you could guess my surprise and pleasure when I found out that the song was from The xx and if you've read my posts before you should know that I absolutely love them!

The coolest part is that today I had been talking with a friend about the awesomeness of their songs so this has just make my day a very good day!!!

Btw, the video is just amazing!!!

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