
His Dark Materials - Phill Pullman

I'm not going to do a proper review because this series wasn't on my reading list and I wasn´t planning to reading it. If you've seen the movie the Golden Compas you´ve probably heard about the book. And if you know more about it you probably know that it's filled with religious disputes. So years ago when the movie came out and I found out about it I decided to not read it because I thought it was gonna be filled with religious folishness. And I was right but I decided to read it anyway ignoring that stuff just because I liked the main character too much!! haha I mean, she's the perfect main character. Decided, not afraid, charismatic, a great leader and not afraid to face what it's in front of her. And then in the next book there comes a very intoxicating relationshipp with this boy Will that it's also a great character. In fact all books are filled with great characters!

But I must say that the third book is the best and the worst at the same time because it's filled with religious stuff that gets boring really quickly but it's the book that has the most romance between Lyra and Will. But at the end I was kinda dissapointed with the ending but whatever! It was a great moving to pass the time and it was great while I was reading it! So let's praise commercial page-turning books!!!!

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