Plot Summary: Mired in poverty, the student Raskolnikov nevertheless thinks well of himself. Of his pawnbroker he takes a different view, and in deciding to do away with her he sets in motion his own tragic downfall. Dostoyevsky's penetrating novel of an intellectual whose moral compass goes haywire, and the detective who hunts him down for his terrible crime, is a stunning psychological portrait, a thriller and a profound meditation on guilt and retribution.
Personal Opinion: A great phylosophical novel (which I love to read!) and it revolves around the life of a young student that dropped out of college. He is suddenly faced with a moral dilemma and in the way he tries to prove his theory that certain people have the right to kill to achieve some higher purpose and he often puts Napoleon as an example. The background for the novel is San Petersbourg... and... he is faced with many obstacles to escape his crime. He finds himsef in some kind of phylosophical battle with a police detective (I personally love that part haha). What I find more interesting is that somehow he doesn´t feel regret for his crime because he thinks he had a good reason. But then thanks to his sister and some other characters he finally realizes his crime and the he turns himself in to the police where they didn´t have any idea. I kind of don´t like the end but oh.. whatever...
Final Rating: 8/10
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