
Perfume - Patrick Suskind

Plot summary: It´s a very dark story based on the story of a killer. Grenouillle is a very interesting character living in 1700´s France. Born in Paris and from the start is feared by people because he doesn´t have a smell. He has a supernatural hability to smell everything and every smell is stored perfectly is his memory. He decides be a perfumer and astonishes his mentor almost inmediatly with his habilities. He sets out to learn every kind of habilities to create the best perfum that will make everyone love him. But to make that perfume he won´t care if someone´s life stands in the way to obtain it.

Opinion: I particularly like every kind of dark novels but this one is written in a way that makes you want to know what is going to happen. It also makes you root for Grenouille when you hear his description of life and it doesn´t even surprise you when he decides to take a life. It tells many methods the used back then to make perfumes and picture very well the life of poor people in Paris. Makes you pay attention to the smells around you that we tend to forget.

Final rating: 8/10


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