
Insomnia | Nana | What Would You Do - Bastille | The Neighbourhood

I'm in a strange place right now where my mind is in a constant mess. The noise in my head is so loud that the only way I can quiet it is by sleeping. But I'm not peaceful enough to sleep easily, so I just stay up late into the night until my body is so tired that I can't help but fall asleep so I can forget about my worries for one more day.

And what do I do late into the night you wonder? Well, right now it's quite innocent. I'm just rereading one of my favorite mangas again! And of course it's Nana. I don't what it is about it, but it just gets me every single time!! I always cry, laugh, and cry again while reading. The struggles of the characters are so real to me! I guess is because this story has helped me grow up, it shows that life is not just full of smiles and there's not always a happy ending (although is kind of depressing that this series has taught me to expect disappointment in life haha). But still, I've probably read this series once a year, but probably is due that I read this when I was really young and naive, but each time that I read it again I learn something new. Just a new insight that helps me make sense of the mess that is my life.
But maybe not everything is hopeless. After all, the series hasn't had an official ending. Currently it's on hiatus due that the author, Yazawa Ai, had cancer so she was going through the treatment. There's no official news release about the status of her help, but I'm hopeful because she drew some Nana's bonus pages at the beginning of the year. So maybe, she's thinking about continuing the series or maybe she's just thinking about how to break the news that she's retiring or beginning another series altogether.

Honestly it wouldn't surprise if she doesn't end the series at all, after all I have my own imagined ending by now. So it would be good if she's doesn't come back and break my happy illusion about the ending. But also I would like to have a lot of my doubts about the series resolved, because let's be real, she left a LOT of cliffhangers!!!! Maybe I'm being dramatic, but maybe it's due to the reason that I've been analyzing said cliffhangers for years now! So I'm going kinda crazy here haha.

Well whatever, I've been enjoying the past days while reading this manga. It made me forget about my shit problems for a while. Honestly, I'm such an idiot because most of my problems are due to my weak mind and indecision. Whatever, I'll just leave all this shit in the merciful hands of gods!

So, for now I'll treat you to some good music if you endured reading all this rant, haha.


New Year | Crappy first day

Have you seen the classic cliché movies where the main character goes home for the holidays, and EVERY single member of their family is annoying as hell. Well that was me last night. The worst is that I should know better than to expect a happy celebration. But I never learn, and yesterday proved to be just another let down.

Ok, I recognize I'm a bitch but they're just as psychotic!

So yeah, whatever, enough of my pity party. Here are some great songs that I have been using to work out.

Hahaha, I just realized they're very 2011.