
I'm Alive!!!

I've been disconected from the internet for the past two weeks except for things like homework and necesary things. I've been busy with school and stuff.... But I've been listening to Adele nonstop!

I know it's not new but I just listened to it completely now.


All My People

I'm so tired.... I've been dancing all day and my limbs hurt sooo much!!!! but at least I'm glad that we already have the steps all synchronized...

My friends are dancing this song but for some reason I couldn't find any decent video without any naked girls, and let's be honest, I'm a girl so I don't need to see other naked girls... and even if they were men I don't need to see them naked... But apart from that, I really like their steps because it's like latin dance combined with ballet and it just looks so cool!

I want to see this movie so badly but I just don´t have any time!!!! I absolutely HAVE TO make time to watch this movie over the weekend! SERIOUSLY!!!!


Coconut Rum

My legs hurt... I have spent a lot of time dancing this difficult dance steps that a friend is making for a dance we have to do, but she's an old gimnast so she expects you to make all this contorsions effortlessly and as a result my body hurts all over...

This is the song we are dancing, it's not the kind of song I would normally hear but I have to admit that it's very good for dancing!

Now I'll go back to reading this book, after a hard day at school I just need an easy quick read to get relaxed... : )



blah, blah... I'm just wasting time because I don't want to do a biology assignment, so boring! Instead, I'll tell you all the amazing movies that I've seen this week and some music I've heard too. First of all I've been listening to the latest Skrillex album Bangarang, it's awesome!!

And I've also seen some Oscar movie nominees  that I want to check out before the awards. Most of them are great and I understand why they've been nominated. :)

This is a pic from The descendants by George Clooney.