
Sukitte Ii na yo

So this is a manga I've been reading for quite some time, the art is gorgeous and the clothes the characters wear are amazing! I've read EVERY scanlated series from this mangaka, she is that amazing! <3 p="p">
And now I just started to watch the anime, actually I had seen a random image from the anime on tumblr and I desperately wanted to know from which anime it was from and now that I know it just makes sense... :D

A little spoiler: this is the moment when Mei and Yamato meet. :)    (and this is not the image I had seen on Tumblr, the next one is)

But what I've noticed is that most of the popular shoujo animes right now are about some unsocial, insecure girl that manages to land the most hot sociable guy, I guess the authors feed from common little girls that wish for the impossible guy. And let's not talk about how most of the shoujo mangas are about some cliche plot like that, but I'll admit that sometimes cliche is nice... ^^   Specially when they have nice graphics!! 

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