
The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli

Plot Summary: Widely read for its insights into history and politics, The Prince is one of the most provocative works of the Italian Renaissance. Based on Niccolò Machiavelli’s observations of the effectiveness of both ancient and contemporary statesmen, the rules for governing set forth in his manual were considered radical and harsh by his contemporaries and shocking to many since then. 

Personal Opinion: This is a book I´ve been wanting to read for so long... I always heard of many phrases like "Keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer" so eventually I got really curious. And I must say that I wasn´t dissapointed! It´s very interesting to read about the tactics he created after many years of observation. I even get why so many people was and is shocked of what he wrote because I must say that he often explains some unorthodox methods to be able to maintain power. haha Like how he says that you have to kill some people, manipulate people for your own personal gain and his view of the church. But leaving all that aside I think this is a MUST READ book that explains the flow of power back in those days. I personally liked his description of Castruccio and how he easily conquered and won blattles with pure wit and great war strategy.

Final Rating: 9/10

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