
Lemon Pie!

So... suddenly I found myself being really bored and so I decided to cook! This days I find myself with nothing to do and it appears that I have run out of things to do, I alredy completed a huge puzzle that was mostly black with my left hand (and I am right handed...). The conclusion is that I needed to do something more productive. haha... Apart from that I haven´t been reading so much (maybe only Dante) and what I´ve been doing all the time is read manga so probably in the next days I´ll write about the best manga I´ve read in the past few days....

 Well... I thought it looked lame being yellow because normally all lemon pies are yellow!! dah! So I thought "what the fuck!!! I want my pie to be green!" but now that I look at it, you could say that it ended up looking like an artificial green but WTF!!!
....and then with the left over filling I decided to do a mini pie! kawaii!! I must say that I´m proud of my work! ; )

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