

So I've been checking out my blog, really it's great that many people are reading it lately, even if I had kind of forgotten it for the past SIX MONTHS!

But really, when I began keeping a blog I knew that it wasn't easy to have a popular blog so I kind of expected to go unnoticed by the internet (yeah I know, I have low expectations). This blog was for me a pure, unadulterated place where I could just come to rant (when I didn't have anyone to listen to me), and basically document all the things that I love, just so I could come back in ten years and remember or resurrect all the things who make me who I am right now.

Although lately I began posting again, yay!, but it has been mostly me writing about depressing stuff in my life... So I decided to go back to my roots and start posting stuff again that I just love and make me extremely happy. God, just bear with me, because when I get started I start to explain all the awesomeness of books, music, movies, tv series, artists, photographers, manga, anime, and cute guys! Basically, I'm always fangirling all over the place!!!

But what makes me happy lately and is my latest obsession lately is this:

YOUTUBERS (specially british youtubers)

I mean, I'm basically glued to youtube now, refreshing my feed to see what new video has come out, I'm basically a stalker. But it's like their asking me to be a stalker, what with them posting daily blogs, asking me to follow them on twitter, instagram, tumblr, etc. sigh...

So to express all my "passion", I'm probably gonna make a post for each of my favorite youtubers and tell you a bit about them, how they make me feel (you know, the feels), (how they are soooo cute haha), and my favorite videos. You know, just so I can keep an archive, it's totally not because I can't stop talking about them, and the people around me are sick of listening to me talk about strange people in youtube, and they totally don't get it!, and basically they are scared of my stalkerish tendencies with these boys!!! Totally not because of this!!!!!!!! haha

Basically my life right now...

OMG, I need to stop this rant, I started looking pictures of them on tumblr, and it was basically a black hole!, the cute selfies, the gifs, the twitter snapshots, pics of them on vidcon, tyler flirting with troye, just too much!!!

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