
Avicii - Wake Me Up

Soooooo haha I've been basically obsessed with this song since I first heard it, and it didn't help that I've been listening to it all day, everywhere I go! Even on the youtube vlogs I've watched today, like this one:

Marcus is such a darling! But don't be afraid, even though this week I kinda abandoned the blog I will continue with my series of posts about youtubers!
Look at this cute thing I found, consider it a sneak peek, they are just too cute here (except Sam Pepper, I hate him so don't expect me to blog about him!).

And about my updated from my life lately, I just have to say that today was spent on the pursue of perfecting my hair, it's been and arduous and painful process, I guess it's inevitable when I'm determined to grow my hair to waist length while bleaching it and coloring at the same time, my poor hair... but don't worry I'll take good care of it and bring it back to it's former glory with the help of miraculous hair products! haha

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