

So this is how I look today. I´m sorry for the lack of updates but I just haven't been doing anything that interesting, just trying to cope with the boredness of school... Of course I've been to a few parties ,met some friends, and went to the university and met a lot of interesting people! I´m looking very interesting today haha! And as you can see I´m starting to part my hair at the middle! I like it! it looks different and original. But I don't know if you can notice but I haven't brushed my hair in that photo. Actually I never brush my hair on sundays or days when I'm not going out, I just give it a rest.

I'll probably read some interesting books this week so I'll review about them! Oh! I forgot that I did read one book this week I'll review it right now!

Btw, this is such a great song! I'm way into them right now! I mean, four awesome girls playing great music with a great vibe, and to show how obsessed I'm with them I just have to tell you how I listened to them repeteadly for a whole day! haha

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